
Sunday, May 8, 2016



               SYMPTOMS – A sick feeling in the stomach, similar to motion sickness
               CAUSE – A variety of things can induce nausea, including nutritional deficiencies, food intoxication, food allergies, pregnancy, and cancer.  Repeated bouts of nausea may be due to food allergies.  A common cause of nausea is worms or constipation.


·        Use the treatments suggested for Motion Sickness, especially the  charcoal and ginger root formula.  Powdered  ginger root is a definite help in eliminating nausea.

·        Do not forget the final solution.  Go ahead and vomit.   That is best  if the nausea is caused by something recently eaten.  Read vomiting.  It will provide very helpful information.  It will also tell what to do if you have been nauseated and vomiting for days.

·        Eat a small amount of dry toast or crackers to clear nausea caused by excess exercise.  If you are hypoglycemic, add some protein.  For post-operative nausea, take two 500-mg capsules of ginger.

·        Add a pinch of ginger to other teas, to help reduce nausea.  Ginger compress on the head (made from the mild tea) will help relieve headaches due to nausea.

·        Drink a mild tea of  goldenseal and honey  on rising to offset the nausea of pregnancy.  Put a pinch of goldenseal powder in a cup of just –boiled water, and add a little honey to offset the taste.

·        A cup of hot peppermint tea will reduce a feeling of nausea.  You can add a pinch of basil and/or ginger.  Peppermint tea is a powerful antispasmodic.  It stops muscle spasms in the digestive tract, including those involved in vomiting (But large amount of this tea during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage).

·        Here is an excellent herbal formula for nausea: ginger root, plus a very small amount of licorice root and cayenne. Doctors found it worked for most people.  Ginger seems to produce no toxic symptoms even when taken in large amounts.

·        “Carminative” means “stomach soothing” for these herbs help settle the stomach.  Here are the best ones to use:  chamomile, fennel,dill, lemon balm, and any of the mints (peppermint, spearmint, catnip).  Make a tea of one or more of these.

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