
Sunday, May 8, 2016



SYMPTOMS – The person passes out and becomes unconscious.

CAUSES – Painting points to some other problem, such as hysteria, epilepsy, insulin shock, heat exhaustion, lack of oxygen, anemia, dehydration, carotid artery obstruction.



·        Check   the pulse, heartbeat, and breathing.  Often a dash of cold water  in the face helps.  Get air to him:  Loosen tight clothing: open windows and doors; and have  others stand back, so the person can get more air.     Stimulate the heart:   Use your fist to pound slightly on the back between the shoulders.  When able to drink,  give him a little cold water.

·        If you have it available, place 8 drops of antispasmodic tincture on the back of the tongue.  If you know in advance that the person has these fainting problems, you may want to prepare the tincture and keep it on hand.   Information is at Antispasmodic tincture.

·        Sometimes artificial respiration or oxygen is needed.  As soon as the person is conscious, try to find the cause and deal with it.

·        If a person has frequent fainting spells, give him an herb tea of mint, skullcap, catnip, rue, mistletoe, rosemary, and small amount of cayenne.

·        For those who have collapsed, here are water therapy techniques which will prove helpful.  They are described in the Hydrotherapy  chapter.  Alternate Hot and Cold Compress over the Spine:  Cold friction:  Hot enema:  Alternate Compress over the Heart:  Hot Blanket Pack for 15 minutes, followed by Cold Mitten Friction.

·        Heat to neck and short cold application to chest and face.  Alternate Compress  to spine: percussion of the chest with the hands dipped in cold water or with the end of a cold towel; vigorous friction, rhythmically moving the tongue back and forth to help wake him up.

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