
Sunday, May 8, 2016


(Weak, Debilitated Conditions)
Symptoms -  A feeling of exhaustion all, or much, of  the time.
CAUSES – This can be caused by a number of dietetic, physical, or hormonal problems.  Some of which are mentioned below. 


·         Some weak individuals only need rest, fresh air, sunshine, pure water, nutritious meals, and freedom from worry.

·         Clean the toxins from the body.  You may feel weaker for a few days.  But afterward, you will generally feel much better and stronger.

·        Over-indulgence in sex debilitates  the body.  Worry wears out the life forces.  The use of coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol, and processed and junk foods are also sources of trouble.

·        A good program of better nutrition more rest, less tension, and taking time to go outdoors and work or walk 30-60 minutes at a time will do much to build the body.

·        A cold morning shower invigorates the body.

·        You may have chemical or food sensitivities.  People today are exposed to enormous numbers of chemicals.  Try to find what is causing your problem: in your food, your home, your environment.

·        Do not smoke or be around smokers.

·        Avoid chocolate, soft drinks, caffeine, and highly processed foods.

·        Include vitamin C (2,000 mg) and magnesium (350 mg) in your diet. Eat lots of green foods.  Drink plenty of water each day.

·        Trust in God, obey the Ten Commandments, and live as healthfully as you can.


·        As an aid in rebuilding the body after acute or chronic illnesses, the following  herbal formula  is quite helpful.  It combines nutritional benefits with herbal tonics.  Mix together 1 oz. parsley root,  1 oz. alfalfa, and ½  oz. of each of the following  dandelion root, comfrey root, yellow dock root, burdock root, nettles leaves, and dulse.   Place in an uncovered pot with a quart of water and simmer for 20 minutes.  Let it cool, then strain.  Place the liquid back in the pot and  simmer uncovered  for one hour or until it is reduced to one cup.  Stir in one cup of unsulphured blackstrap molasses and refrigerate.  Take one Tbsp. 3 times a day.
·        Or take the above  powdered, mixed, dry herbs (not having gone through the cooking stage).  Place them  in #00 capsules and take 2-4 capsules with each meal.

·        Mix the following herbs well:  5 parts  white poplar bark: 1 part each of barberry bark, balmony bark and ½ part: golden seal, cloves:  ¼ part:  cayenne.  Add  honey.  Put 1 heaping Tbsp. into 1 quart boiling distilled water.  Cover and steep 15 minutes.  Strain and sweeten to taste.


·        Water treatments - This will increase endurance. Tonic frictions include  Wet-hand Rub. Cold Mitten Friction, Cold Towel  Rub, Wet-sheet Rub, Dripping Sheet Rub, Ice Rub, and Salt Glow.

·        In cases of severe exhaustion:  Bed rest for a time, proper diet, plus carefully graduated (increasing) tonic cold applications will provide needed help.

           ENCOURAGEMENT-  No one understands, as well as Jesus, your problems.  He is watching over you. If you are willing to be guided by him.  He will throw around you influences for good that will enable you to accomplish all his will for you.  Psalm 27:1

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