
Sunday, May 8, 2016


(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

          SYMPTOMS  - Recurrent upper-respiratory tract infections, exhaustion, extreme fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes achy joints and muscles memory loss, low-grade fevers, headaches, poor concentration, night sweats, irritability, and deep depression.  Because the symptoms resemble flu and other viral symptoms.  EBV is not always diagnosed correctly .  In fact, it is frequently misdiagnosed as hypochondria, depression, or psychosomatic illness.

         CAUSES – Chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).  This condition has become widespread in America.  The CDC  in Atlanta estimates that tens of thousands of people are inferred with it.  Yet they are unaware of it since symptoms are frequently not prominent.

               This virus is also the cause of infectious mononucleosis.  When mononucleosis occurs the person becomes very ill for two to four weeks or longer if the diet is not corrected. 

               EBV is a type of herpes virus, and is related to the viruses that cause genital herpes and shingles. 

               Keep iN mind that chronic fatigue syndrome can also be caused by certain other factors:  candida albicans (yeast infection), anemia chronic mercury poisoning from dental amalgam tooth fillings hypoglycemia insomnia and hypothyroidism.

               Once EBV is contracted, it always remains in the body.  Fortunately, most people develop antibodies to it. The problem occurs when they become rundown and overworked-and then the dormant EBV strikes.  It is more likely to reveal its presence when other diseases are also present, such as  arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, cancer or AIDS.

               EBV causes the body to overreact, resulting in a burnout of the immune system.

               Epstein-Barr virus is very contagious, and can be transmitted by  close contact, kissing, sharing food, coughing and through sex.

               Blood tests for antibodies against candida albicans and EBV are available for specific diagnosis.  Yet the fact remains that EBV symptoms are similar to those of many infections, anemia, parasites, endocrine diseases and  AIDS.

               NATURAL REMEDIES

·        Antibiotics do not help, since EBV is a virus.  Recovery takes time, rest, and good nutrition.  Drink  lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day.  Regularity in bowel movements is essential.  Add fiber to the diet.  Cleansing enemas should be used occasionally.

·        It is vital that you get plenty of rest.  Throughout the day, take relaxation breaks.  If possible, try to lay down and rest before meals.

·        Exercise each day is invigorating.  Keep taking a little more.  Outdoors exercise is best.  Avoid overexertion but also avoid being too sedentary.  You will not recover by remaining in bed!

·        Use your energy carefully.   Do not overdo and then collapse for a time.  You may have exhausted adrenal glands.

·        Your problem may be partly or wholly caused by the prescription drugs you are taking.


·        Remove from the diet all junk foods, processed foods, fried foods, stimulants (coffee tea soft drinks, sugar), and white-flour products (bread, spaghetti, etc.,)

·        It is said that 60 percent of those with EBV also have candida (see Candidiasis):  therefore it is best to eat some form of acidophilus.  Eliminate sugar, alcohol, mushrooms, all fungi, molds, yeast, fermented foods such as sauerkraut, soy sauce, dry roasted nuts, potato chips, soda pop, bacon, pork, lunch meats, and all types of cheese.

·        Eat some brand of “greens” tablets.  Chlorophyll as vital to proper diet and healing.  Make green drinks from whizzed up greens and pineapple juice.

·        Take 2,000 mg vitamin C, twice a day, and 400 mg magnesium daily.


·        Take no aspirin, since it may induce Reye’s Syndrome  in children.

·        Helpful herbs include red clover, to cleanse the blood: Echinacea, to help the glands; garlic, as an antibiotic and  saffron, to help reduce pain.

·        Epstein-Barr can be combated with massive doses of vitamin C immediately followed by exercise.

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