
Sunday, May 8, 2016


(Yeast Infection, Candida, Thrush, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)

SYMPTOMS – Symptoms include bad breath, constipation, chronic infections, depression, fatigue, food cravings, gas, headaches, adrenal and thyroid problems ,hiatal hernias, indigestion, insomnia, mental confusion, discomforting odors, panic attacks, and menstrual problems.  Vaginal infection produces intense itching, accompanied by an odorless, white cheesy discharge.

CAUSES - This is an infection caused by candida albicans, normally harmless yeast (saprophyte) found in your intestines.  Some of it is also regularly found in your mouth, throat, and genital tract.  But this organism goes wild when its competitors, the normal bacteria of the intestines are killed by long-term use of antibiotics.  This enables the candida to greatly increase in number.  Yeast infection is caused by a group of yeast-like fungi called candida.  The most common of these is Candida albicans, but it is not only one.  Yeast live on moist areas of the body, such as the lining of the mouth and the vagina.

In the vagina, the ailment is caused by an alteration of the normal pH balance from slightly acid to more alkaline.

STRESS causes a reduced production of stomach acid, which lets candida enter the stomach-a place where it normally  is never found.  As a result, less digested food enters the intestines, much to the liking of the candida which feeds upon it.

Several modern  prescription drugs cause yeast infection.  Sugary and junk food adds to the problem.

This-like substance proliferates so massively that it enters the bloodstream and is carried to many parts of the body, weakening the immune system and causing various problems.

In the oral cavity, candida is called thrush.  White sores may develop on the tongue, gums, and inside the cheeks.

In the vagina, it results in vaginitis.  Large amounts of a white, cheesy discharge and intense itching occur.

Other effects are food allergies, athlete’s foot, ringworm, jock itch and even diaper rash.

Candida is not transmitted sexually, but mothers may pass thrush on to their newborn children.  The baby’s tongue will appear red and be covered with white spots (generally noticed 8-9  days after delivery) that will appear like milk spots.  On the buttocks, thrush may resemble diaper rash.

Three out of four adult females have at least one attack of candida.  Because their vaginal environment is more conducive to the growth of yeast, women with diabetes can contract candida easier than diabetic men.

You may wish to request a blood test for antibodies against candida albicans.  A skin test, similar to a TB test, is also available.  A positive result confirms that you have candidiasis.  But a negative skin test may not be reliable.  Candida is difficult to diagnose, since a culture cannot be used.  This is because this yeast is a normal constituent of everyone’s intestines.


·        Try to eliminate food allergies, hypoglycemia, any infections, and indigestion.

·        The woodpile by the woodburning stove and fireplace can be a problem for all wood contains fungi.

·        Do not use insecticides, tobacco,  or perfumes.

·        Avoid damp, moldy environments.  Do not use oral contraceptives while you have candida.

·        Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow candida to overgrow.  Avoid birth control pills and cortisone types of drugs, including Prednisone.

·        Do not use the following foods:  Sugary foods, Cheese, alcohol, chocolate, fermented food, gluten grains (wheat, oats, rye, and barley).  Meat, pickles, raw mushrooms, vinegar, or any yeast products.

·        Yeast thrives on sugars and carbohydrates.  A vegetarian nondairy diet of protein, unrefined grains, and vegetables is best.  Onions and garlic are very helpful.  Fresh, raw garlic is the best. Avoid meat-based proteins, since these are associated with abnormal bowel flora development.  Avoid yeasted grain foods.

Stay on a  low carbohydrate diet.  Lower it to 80 grams per day.  A yeast-infected person may crave such foods.  Limit the use of all  yeast foods: this includes mushrooms, baked goods containing baker’s yeast, and food enriched with vitamins (often made from brewer’s yeast).  Only use B vitamin supplements from rice bran.  Avoid mushrooms fermented foods and drinks (sauerkraut, ginger ale, alcohol),  foods with molds (yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk, all cheeses), malted products, and dried fruit.  Avoid milk products (because of lactose in them).

·        These foods inhibit candida growth: garlic, broccoliturnips, kale, collards, cabbage.  Safe foods include millet, brown rice, whole grains, beans, and vegetables.  Almonds and nuts  are okay, but avoid peanuts.

·        Clean all fresh foods carefully to remove chemicals, sprays, (bacteria, and fungi.  Add fiber to the diet it helps clean the colon.


·        Replant Lactobacillus acidophilus. This is the friendly bacteria in your intestines which the “wonder drugs” you earlier took killed off.  Lactobacillus is a primary competitor of candida for food in the intestines.  It also helps keep the colon slightly acid.  Use a retention enema containing 4 oz. warm water and 10 billion organisms (empty twenty 500,000 organism capsules into the water).  Use 3 times weekly, 10 minutes each time.  Acidophilus is a preventive and

·        Useful  nutrients include vitamin  B complex with extra biotin (100 mg, 3 times a day) and B12  lozenges.  Place 2,000 mcg lozenges under tongue 3 times a day, between meals.  Take vitamin C to bowel tolerance (up to 5,000 mg) and essential fatty acids such as wheat germ oil (2 Tbsp.) primrose oil. garlic capsules (2 capsules, 3 times a day), etc.

·        Also helpful:  vitamin A (25,000 IU, 1-2 times a day, for a week), B6  (100-250 mg. 1- times, daily) vitamin E (400-800 IU, daily), biotin, and aloe vera juice (2oz., four times per day).

·        Helpful herbs include burdock,Echinacea, ginger, goldenseal, bee pollen, kelp, lobella, passion flower, pau d’ arco, psyllium, slippery elm ginkgo and suma.

·        The immune-stimulating action of echinacea is particularly helpful for treating yeast infection.  In a German study 60% of those who took prescription antifungal drugs had yeast recurrences: but only 10% of those who took Echinacea had yeast recurrences.

·        Also very good is garlic, which is an antibacterial antifungal antibiotic.  Take up to a dozen raw chopped cloves 2-3 times a day in juice.  It is not easy to take, but effective.  Blend it with carrots and it is much easier to take.   Cranberry juice is also opposed to candida so try taking your  garlic with that.

·        Goldenseal contains the antibiotic berberine which is very effective against yeast.  Other helpful antibiotics include Oregon grape and pau d’ arco.

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